My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Monday, 7 November 2005
What is it with laptops?
OK, I knew things had been going way too smoothly for me in this department. I hadn't had a laptop issue in almost seven months or so, and I think that was a new record for me. So finally today something happened and it's down. It seems like once the laptop decides to go into sleep mode all kinds of weird stuff happens. As a result, any computer stuff for a while may have to take place in the warmest room in my house. Don't tell the Realtor this, but I suspect that the AC doesn't work in here.

Anyway, I guess I'm not supposed to be dropping it and tossing it onto the floor or something. Who knows? Aren't those things supposed to be shock resistant?

BTW, I called off the Ameriprise interview. I just didn't feel comfortable about the idea of a slow rampup on salary at this point, plus the uncertainty and the necessity of building a practice largely off friends, relatives and referrals. That just doesn't suit me, which is too bad because I liked the idea of doing financial planning. It'd be nice to find something that I could do that would be productive - that may be one reason I'm not fond of sales.

Having said that, I'm sure that's where I'll be again. My resume and experience just seems too weighted in that area. I knew I should have taken that job as assistant to the traveling secretary for the Yankees - I might have a shot at a sports related job then!

Hope everyone's having a great week!

Posted by Paul at 7:17 PM CST

Friday, 25 November 2005 - 10:28 AM CST

Name: Rob

I don't think its necessarily laptops that the weirdness is restricted too... but i guess they have to put up with more abuse than normal PC's (unless its in a sheriffs office in which case they regularly run the risk of being shot).

Mine tends to go a bit loopy when I've had it running through the TV (whilst watching DVD's), and then decides that its still connected to the TV even when it isn't. Being presented with a blank screen is not entirely useful.

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