My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Wednesday, 23 November 2005
Remiss... continued!
OK, I really need to get back on the stick with this as well as the web site. I think I'm hitting that point in the job search where you start losing motivation and drive. You're at the point where you actually have to start making things happen, and you have so many things you need to do in that direction and you know that the vast majority of them are going to be dead ends. I honestly don't know how people find jobs when they don't have recruiters coming to get them! It doesn't help to hear that something like 80 percent of the jobs out there are in the hidden market and won't really be offered to the general public anyway. It's times like this I wish I actually knew a bunch of people.

Anyway, I'm in touch with a couple of search firms, but it's my impression that since most of them are placing for companies, they're going to fit you into an industry where you can be plugged right in. As a result, if you're in an industry, or from an industry, where there's not a lot of opportunity, it kind of sounds like you're out of luck. They're not recommended as vehicles for career change, just replacement. Well, I guess there's nothing to do but get to work and figure it out. I know God's providence is at work, I just wish He'd just have someone show up and pay me to do something.

I guess one way or another things will work out. I'm just grateful that I have family that's supportive and able to help. I don't know what I'd do if I were on my own right now - probably be delivering pizza again! Who knows, maybe I'll be doing that anyway. :P

If I went back to school and got a doctorate, what would I study? And how would I come up with something to write for a dissertation? And would I be able to grow a good beard and look good in tweed jackets. Do you have to smoke, or is that optional? These are things I just don't know, and I probably should find out if I were to go back to school.

Anyway, I hope those who are reading this (ok, those who aren't too) have a great Thanksgiving, and even though Canada had theirs a couple of weeks ago, that doesn't mean you can't have a good relaxing holiday-esque weekend!

See you all soon.

Posted by Paul at 10:51 AM CST

Friday, 25 November 2005 - 10:35 AM CST

Name: Rob

Coming up with the idea for the doctrate is half the battle. The other half is getting it approved. Most uni websites will give the details of how this is done in their postgrad sections... makes for interesting (and scary) reading.

Speaking of which, my initial topic proposal for my Masters has been approved. Still have more forms to fill in though...

As for the smoking... pass... I had heard that smoking was compulsory but the substance was optional. That may just be undergrads though :)

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

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