My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Friday, 27 January 2006
Are all contractors liars????
OK, so some of you may know that I'm trying to get bids on a foundation repair job on my house. I've compared the process to root canal for your home, btw, although the pain seems to be more financial.

Anyway, I've been agonizing on a choice between a more expensive method that's supposedly much better, and one that's less expensive. Lots of different factors, but anyway, long story short: The more expensive company told me that their system, while different from the one outlined in my engineer's report, has been accepted by my engineer. According to the guy that came to my house, they've worked with the engineer and he's been willing to sign off on their type of repair process.

Well I heard back from the engineer today, and it turns out he does know them, he is familiar with their type of pier, and he does NOT sign off on it, and never has. So it's good to know honesty and integrity are still alive and well in society!

Anyway, I may know something on one of my leads in a week or so. I'm not gonna say much about it now cause I don't want to jinx it. I do think it's promising though, so we'll see what happens. I'm optimistic, just a little impatient.

So hope everyone's doing well. Sorry this one wasn't more entertaining, but I may do one devoted to The Office here pretty soon, because that show cracks me up!!! There's a great quote I just heard by the office suck-up Dwight about downsizing, that seems appropriate:

"Downsizing? I have no problem with that. I have been recommending downsizing since I first got here. I even recommended it in my interview. I say, bring it on!"

Posted by Paul at 3:55 PM CST

Saturday, 28 January 2006 - 2:43 PM CST

Name: Rob

Do those guys belong to a professional association or something (presuming they're not *lying* about belonging that is :p). Maybe you should just let them know that these guys are making false claims...

Orrr... we have a show (well, a couple couple) that just *love* to show these people up for what they are - I'm sure you have something similar and they are always looking for good pillars of society to dig their teeth into :D

Saturday, 28 January 2006 - 5:47 PM CST

Name: paul

Thought about that, actually. I really ought to call there and mention it to someone. I always hate to narc on people though.

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