My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Monday, 15 May 2006
Annnnd we're off... kind of
Well, I don't think Texas wants me to leave. I'm sitting in my living room waiting for the movers, who I've learned broke down on their way here. Which means my morning pickup is now my afternoon pickup. Which means my late evening arrival in Albuquerque en route to Vegas has now become my early morning (2-3 a.m. I'm thinking) arrival. Granted the bed will feel all the more comfortable, but at the same time, I'm afraid anything, including my car seat, will be comfortable enough for sleeping. So it's gonna be a long night I'm afraid.
So now I'm listening to classical music, eating lunch and trying not to blow a gasket. I'm told I'm pretty patient in some areas, but I'm not feeling it right now, so I'm working on not being in the mood to bite the guy's head off when he gets here.
Anyway, I'll miss Texas terribly - particularly the Tex-Mex - but I renewed my UT season tickets today, which is like a binding commitment that I'll be back.
I'll keep this up to date better now, I promise - I actually lost/forgot the link or I would have updated sooner. But I'll keep you guys up to date on here, assuming anyone still checks in. My lack of activity on here probably took care of that ;) but I'll try to do better from here on out. Anyway, more later!

Posted by Paul at 12:27 PM CDT

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