My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Sunday, 11 June 2006
What a month!
So i'm sitting here reflecting on the last month at an oyster bar in Vegas thinking about how different this year has gone than anything I would have imagined. The fact that I am where I am is testament to that. But it's been fun in terms of the things I've seen and the sheer variety of scenery to which I've been exposed. I've seen the beautiful pine covered mounts of Oregon, the barren waste of new Mexico, the rocky desert of Nevada, the rolling hills of Pennsylvania and, well, Indiana.
After the unchanging scenery of my house in frisco, that's a lot to take in.
I think i'm close to settling in now. This past month I've been out and about so much that I haven,t really decided what my routine will be, or even if I'll be able to have one! I'm not sure if it's just the way my boss works or if it's the job itself, but I have a feeling no two weeks will be the same, whether in schedule or content.
What I find interesting is that I seem to keep coming back to this place! Well, the food is great obviously, but I think it may be that I'm always the youngest person there. In fact, I think the median age is around 68, so I feel pretty young right now! Anyone who thinks Vegas is a young, swinging town hasn't been off the strip!
Anyway, I'll add more later. But hopefully by the end of the week, my apartment will be in its final stage of development!

Posted by Paul at 10:35 PM CDT

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