My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Tuesday, 11 October 2005 Lesson No. 1: The Pyramid Scheme
Well, it's only a week or so since I've had my resume up on and I'm already catching on to an interesting and rather innovative use of the site. Under the traditional pyramid scheme format, a person would have to go out and enlist their family and friends into the program to either buy life insurance or health and wellness products or whatever or (more importantly) become salespeople themselves and further increase that person's income. But with the advent of online job sites, there's an easier, much less personal way to go about finding people - you just recruit people from there to come in in volume.

Fun stuff - nothing illegal, or for that matter unethical. It just brought a few too many "Glengary Glenrose" flashbacks - for those who haven't seen it, it definitely gives you a new appreciation for all those contests you have allegedly won through the mail, all those wonderful condo offers you receive, all those too-good-to-be-true phone offers. The catch phrase "ABC: Always Be Closing" kept coming to mind. (OK, the stuff in that movie was unethical.)

Anyway, clearly I'm off and running! No job yet, but I feel smarter already - in fact, interestingly enough, I took an IQ test online a few days after I left Ford, and I scored a full five points higher on it than I scored when I first took it two years ago. So apparently, leaving Ford Motor Company has made me smarter!

Glass = half full.

Posted by Paul at 4:51 PM CDT

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