My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Sunday, 9 October 2005
The journey continues... well, I guess it's kind of at a rest stop
OK, no job yet, but I DO have my website up and running, such as it is. I'm kind of playing with it as I go and already see a lot that needs to be changed, but I kind of felt like I wanted to get it up there tonight, just so I could say I accomplished something this weekend.

In case you came here first, you can find me at If you do go, please leave feedback! Validate me! (Just kidding). Actually I do want to make it an interactive site. In case you don't know, you can respond to my blog entries, and I'm thinking of also adding a discussion page on the website that we can use for anything from scriptural discussions to entertainment stuff to basically whatever we want to post. But we'll see how that goes.

I need to figure out if I can use more than one blog - if that's the case, I may do a separate one because I'd like to leave a daily or semidaily (OK, weekly maybe?) log of some of my Bible studies - just thoughts or topics I come across from time to time. I'm thinking of studying the Book of Job, if nothing else, just to remind myself that I'm a long way from sackcloth and ashes and boils and family members being killed by collapsing buildings. (Lord willing I'll stay that way.) Anyway, I'd like to make these something that would be of use to people to read, rather than just me rattling on about junk that no one cares about. That will just be an added bonus for you!

Anyway, who knows, I may have all this changed around by this time tomorrow. After all, I don't have to get up in the morning!

Posted by Paul at 10:55 PM CDT
Friday, 7 October 2005
The Momentous First Step
OK, so this isn't really the first step - the first step was being shown the door by my former employers. The second step was to contemplate driving my car through the front door and into the lobby. The third step was to realize that my offices are on the 10th floor, and it really wouldn't be fair to the folks on the ground level. The fourth step was to regroup, and the fifth was to find a hobby.

So I figure, find a way to keep everyone informed (whether they care or not) on my job search, my inability to eat or pay electric bills (I'm kidding Mom - I'm fine!) and my general ability to get out of bed and go look for another job. And what better way to do that than to find a time-wasting hobby like my own website? Yeah, that's right - it was the only sane decision.

So here I am on the web. I'm sure I'll throw in a lot of other stuff that occupies my time/thoughts, as well as photos, links, basically anything to help other people waste time as well. Hey, I had a revelation after being downsized that I wasn't doing enough to help humanity. So I figured I could help humanity by offering an alternative to productivity. Thus is born my website.

OK, so right now it's just a blog (that's weblog for those of you who don't speak Internet geek). I plan to increase its scope as I have time, and frankly, as I get bored. I can't job-search 24-7, you know! And as Marge Simpson said of Homer "Usually his hairbrained schemes fizzle out once he see something good on TV. But this season... (shakes head in disgust)."

Anyway, enjoy, or don't. Either way is good.

Posted by Paul at 3:04 PM CDT

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