My Unanticipated and Extended Vacation
Monday, 31 October 2005
Ahhh, it finally cleared up!
I was wondering if the kids were gonna have to use boats to go out trick-or-treating tonight, but looks like it's all clear now. I think I may just hide from them tonight - I don't have any candy, and I don't think they'd appreciate dog treats. I could be one of those guys that everybody hates and hand out dental floss or something, but I don't really feel like being egged back to the Stone Age tonight. So I'll just hide in the living room and watch movies or something.

First round of interviews went OK at Ameriprise today, we'll see how the info session goes tomorrow. I need to come up with some questions. It actually sounds like a pretty interesting job - I like the idea of helping people manage their money and build a future for their kids, but I'm always leery of providers such as this that have an inherent conflict of interest - in other words, they are commissioned to sell a specific plan as opposed to being completely free to set something up that's in the client's best interest. I suppose that's typical of any brokerage or financial services organization.
So anyway, I'll have more details on that tomorrow, and then there are two more rounds of interviews to go through.

Just some other thoughts - I think I need to get to work pretty soon because the lazy gene is reeeeeeally starting to take hold. You know it's bad when updating your website seems like work. But I'm gonna do it tonight - I'm making a stand, putting y foot down and committing to something useful. Never mind that I could be cleaning house or scanning the Net for jobs... Hmmmm....

So, anyway! Hope all of you have a great Halloween. I'll let you know how things go tomorrow!

Posted by Paul at 5:14 PM CST

Tuesday, 1 November 2005 - 8:30 AM CST

Name: Rob

You could liven them up by coating them in icing... mmmm... yummy... just like little slightly meaty flavoured iced gems... well, if they're silly enough to go around asking "trick or treat" then they're old enough to learn that they could get either :D

Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - 4:53 PM CST

Name: paul

I dunno, kids have long memories. And good aim sometimes, too!

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