Paul's Website for the Really, Really Bored
Photo Gallery


About Me
Longhorn Game Day
Photo Gallery


My Photo Gallery

OK, granted this is kind of lame right now. I'll try to do something with it at some point, but just thought I'd post a few pictures that I happen to have, and that I happen to think are worth posting. I thought about leaving up the picture of the cat, the parrot and the Grand Canyon that came on the template for this site, but I just didn't feel like that captured the mood of the site. I'll try to add some vacation type pictures as well, but for now, this is all you get - although you can see the entire San Francisco album here. It's actually some pretty decent pictures, plus the added bonus of me being funny! OK, on second thought that may not be such a good idea.


My dog, Taz

Here he is - happy Ford? I promised him when I adopted him more than nine years ago that he'd be a stay-at-home dog, and now he's gonna have to go get a job doing... I dunno, chewing? Digging? Howling? I told someone recently that he's been auditioning for the choir a lot in the mornings of late. He's got a nice tenor voice, I might add.

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This site was last updated 10/10/05