Paul's Website for the Really Really Bored

I know, I know, I keep saying I'll keep this site updated and I never do. Sue me - you're getting exactly what you paid for! I have, however, finally posted some of my travel photos from my new job. I have a relatively limited selection of shots I took when I was at Lake Tahoe on my first visit there - let me just say it's amazing out there! I'll try to post some of the Oregon trip as well as some from around Vegas. For now, this will have to do - enjoy! 


Favorite Links Funny Stuff Simpsons Quote Of the Week
About Me
Longhorn Game Day
Photo Gallery


Welcome to my Web site!

Well, it's been gone for a long time, but it's finally back. After hundreds, or dozens or requests anyway (ok, no requests I got downsized and I needed a hobby - happy??) I decided to resurrect my website, only bigger, better and hopefully updated more than once a year.

The first page will pretty much be links and random stuff, but if you want to keep up with my job status and whatever else I'm up to, check my web log. I'm actually planning on putting periodic excerpts and thoughts from whatever I happen to be studying at the time (for some reason Job seems like something I ought to be reading this month.) Feel free to respond to anything on there - I kinda like the idea of making this interactive if possible. And I may even include a discussion board but I haven't decided. Movie reviews, TV reviews, random thoughts... isn't that really what the Internet is all about? (OK, it's not everything, but I'm not posting any of those pictures on here, so don't bother asking.)

Favorite Links

Simpsons Quote of the Week

Some handy links that I use from time to time:

"The law says that you're mine until you're 18! And when you're 17, I'll know the end is near, and WORK YOU LIKE A DOG!!! "

- Homer Simpson, to his son Bart.

Photo Album

Stuff that made me laugh, scratch my head or seriously doubt that I'm on the right planet

Check out some of my photos - or an entire vacation's worth! This link goes to the album of my recent trip to San Francisco. No password necessary, so enjoy. To see the fabulous array of personal pics I've uploaded to the site, simply click the Photo Album link. OK, this is where I'll post any weird stuff I happen across, or just something I thought was worth a laugh or two.



Home | About Me | Interests | Longhorn Game Day | Photo Gallery | Feedback


This site was last updated 07/29/06